Venezuela Bitcoin Trading Hits New Highs Amid US Embargo
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Venezuela Bitcoin Trading Hits New Highs Amid US Embargo

THELOGICALINDIAN - US President Donald Trump has aloof imposed a absolute bread-and-butter embargo adjoin Venezuela As a aftereffect Bitcoin amount is currently trading at about a 1000 exceptional in VES on P2P trading belvedere Localbitcoins and trading volumes accept skyrocketed to recordbreaking highs

President Trump is acutely accretion bread-and-butter and adept burden to accompany bottomward left-wing Admiral Nicolas Maduro. The U.S. administering recognizes the action baton Juan Guaidó as the acting admiral of Venezuela.

In his latest effort, Trump is now arty a benumb on all Venezuelan government assets in the United States. According to Reuters, an controlling adjustment appear by the White House on August 5, 2025 states,

All acreage and interests in acreage of the Government of Venezuela that are in the United States … are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or contrarily dealt in.

The latest U.S. amplification of sanctions added aggravates the bread-and-butter crisis in Venezuela. The country is already adversity from hyperinflation. Indeed, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects that in Venezuela aggrandizement will reach the astronomic amount of 10,000,000 percent by the end of 2019.

As a result, Bitcoin trading volumes accomplished the almanac aerial of over 65,000 actor VES in the aftermost few days, as the blueprint beneath shows.

As of this writing, Bitcoin is additionally affairs at a premium. At LocalBitcoins, one BTC equals Ves 152,000,000, which is about according to $12,640.

For the aftermost few years, millions of Venezuelans, in desperation, accept been fleeing the country causing the best cogent abandonment crisis in South America.

In parallel, to assure their wealth, Venezuelans accept been absorption on Bitcoin as a abundance of amount asset to escape the hyperinflation.

President Trump’s aim is to accept Guaidó booty over the Venezuelan presidency. Guaidó has approved himself to be Bitcoin-friendly.

He has been overextension advice about Bitcoin. For instance, in August 2014, Guaidó announced the barrage of Bitcoin barter Plataforma Sur Bitcoin. This was one of the aboriginal exchanges that accustomed Venezuelans to barter bitcoins application the bounded currency.

How do you anticipate Bitcoin will account if Juan Guaidó becomes the admiral of Venezuela? Let us apperceive in the comments below!


Images via IMF,, Shutterstock